Disabled Parking Placards
Eligible Albertans can receive a parking placard and/or disabled license plate that enables them to use specially designated parking facilities.
To qualify, an individual must be unable to walk more than 50 meters.
To apply for a placard, your physician, physiotherapist or occupational therapist must complete a Parking Placard Application Form and it must be submitted.
A completed Parking Placard Application Form must be submitted in-person to Rangeland Agencies. Emailed or mailed applications cannot be submitted.
There are three different types of placards:
- Blue placards for those with long-term disabilities that are valid for five years
- Blue placards for those with permanent disabilities that can be self-declared every five years without a medical personnel signature
- Red placards for those with temporary disabilities that will affect them for a period of three to twelve months.
Visitors in need without an existing placard may apply for a temporary red placard for the duration of their visit.
For more information, visit Service Alberta.